march 2 - 1999
there will be released a u-she/czukay ep this month with some magazine scenes included. emi is hoping to get that out with the right timing to the can solo projects tour in germany. the company selected four songs which have the most commercial potential - at least in their oppinion including a cover version of sunday morning. of course u-she is not nico, but i can already hear voices saying...
doing vocal recordings with u-she can become pretty peculiar at times. at a beginning of a recording i told her to make a test so that i could find out which sound would fit best to her. she started singing and when she heard my manipulations in the cans she changed into an opera diva saying how could i dare to adjust something while she was singing. a big fight began and in order to end it i ran out of my studio leaving everything behind me. and she ran behind me through the streets as fast as she could until i reached a park. it was in the evening and we were suddenly surrounded by darkness. i was hiding myself behind a tree hearing her calling my name. but i kept silent. after a while she gave up searching me so that i could go home again happy that i could stay alone in my studio - for one hour. and what shall we all learn from that? there will be probably no good recording coming to existence if not a drama has to be solved beforehand. yes, you get me right, the recording was excellent after that...little excursion.
on this ep you also will find some scenes of magazine. till now there was only one cd available by gvoon entitled visions to gvoon as a special collectors item. now emi did the first step to enter a new platform of taste, hopefully. during the tour with can in march we want to film some of the events in order to bring out a documentation of what magazine has to offer and what this project really is - at the moment.
and if this all was not enough : tone casualties in hollywood was signing up two of my new solo albums. the first one entitled good morning story is a collection of five songs plus a test journey through some forged ethno worlds. actually it was a very first live recording test with a new bought sampler and new made samples. the songs on this cd will give you an idea of my witty(?) character when handling this sort of musical material. three pieces are based on can samples (vitamin c and a test recording of quantum physics).
there is also to be heard a collaboration with jah wobble again when he visited me at my house. we had a cup of tea together and inbetween i told him to try something out on an untuned bass while i was searching something i forgot - oh yes, now i remember - he should sign a contract while playing what that nutzy boy even did.(oh lord, have mery!) i said boy, yes, jah wobble still belongs to the boys, doesn't he? - before i forget - the track is called invisible man and is also featuring our man for advanced strangeness: sheldon ancel.
as a reminder for magazine on tour in march here are the dates again:
19, berlin, columbia halle
24, hamburg, g1
26, cologne, palladium and
28, frankfurt, jahrhunderhalle
ticket hotline: in germany: 0180 - 521 2512. from abroad: 49-180-521 2512
...and before I forget: these live events will be webcasted in the internet. for all those of you who cannot be with us on stage you actually can - attending us through the chat system. so, all you need to do is watching magazine live and meanwhile have some comments or discussions on the chat. it will be all there...
Cheers and bye for now.
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copyright by holger czukay, produced by gvoon, all rights reserved