may, 21, 1998
first: how are our live preparations with gvoon succeeding? after having finished a test with a beamer the actual timeline of 90 minutes duration is going to be set up now. we only could estimate the funktioning of the artworlds by watching the screen what can be expected and what not. so can you by watching "excerpts from the worlds of gaga" in the tv channel. these programs are VRML test shots from the very beginning of their existence. just digitized 14 more "excerpts"... without even having titles found for them. we'll put them into the running tv program structure within the next days including a competition for finding the best and adequate titles. you also can win 10 records for the 14 best ones. the records are unobtainable singles with "cool in the pool" and "persian love" which i had bought from barcley records in paris in 1979 after they didn't even manage to print the titles correctly. instead of "cool in the pool" it says "cool in the dool" and so we got a real collectors's item to offer.
must tell you more about my impressions watching czukay-gvoon tv: i don't mind so much the small screen or the trashy sound. but some of the videos based on film recordings don't seem to have a kind relationship to realvideo. never mind, then it's meant to give you a rough impression of something you later can obtain as a video product through the ordercatalogue. think i can hear you laugh as this ordercatalogue remained as it always was: unactivated. once upon a time this will even change...
next point: the new chat system. when i was asked to have this chat system installed instead of the old one i was convinced that the new one would be a big step forward in many respects till i found out by using it where the disadvantages were. and as i feel personally responsible for the chat system on my site i wanted that people could immediately see who is on there and possibly read or leave notes for others or myself. this was unfortunately not the case with the new system though it has other advantages to offer: speed and design with the possibility to throw someone unwanted out - you also can do that of course with me in case i talk rubbish! - these are features i really like. and it can also be used as a sounding chat system. all written messages can be converted into "music"(?). hopefully we can meet there in the next future.
meanwhile have a look at the sleeve of that strange single release from 1979 and in case something new is coming up for a surprise i'll let you know.
this will be the prize for a new found and accepted title for "excerpts from the worlds of gaga"
Cheers and bye for now.
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