15th of March '98
REUTERS. LONDON: Speculation is mounting about the origin of a mysterious cassette investigators recovered from the Mercedes in which Lady Diana Spencer and Dodi Al Fayhed were killed. Sources say the cassette, marked with Diana's own handwriting: "Holger's new material" could have been playing at an excessive volume and......
it was 12 tears ago when I last gave lectures to music students in Brazil till I got invited from the music
academy in Vienna end of January this year. What a wonderful "job" that was. Among other new stuff of mine I
played an old and never released Can track called "Get the Can", recorded in the very first time of our
existence in Schloss Noervenich as sort of a musical liberation act. The reaction of the students and their
professor was...er - amazing. The sound was so up to date that they gave me the advice releasing that as an own
CD - even more than a live CD. And indeed "Get the Can" is so much ahead of its time that this seems to be the
right moment our archive gets released from one of its treasures. I am sure the guys in Vienna showed the
adequate reaction to what they heard. I only can hope that Irmin, Michael, Jaki and our manager Hildegard get
warm with this idea! Out of this piece I made one of my first and still unreleased Can remixes. Think it could
be worth if all other Can musicians would also try their own remixes of it to go on this CD.
holger (left) 1967 with his pupils at school in quakenbrueck.
While Im writing these news updates U-She is editing a Live video documentary of "Clash" during our tour
through the United States last year. Why not make it a collectors item? And watch out for the double CD by
the end of February. This shows again that a spontaneous team like Dr. Walker and myself are playing best
when standing with our backs against the wall. The old equipment story again...and with an output to the
surprise of the American audience.
And what will going to happen on Cans 30est anniversary? Good question, isnt it? To what I know Can vocalist
Damo Suzuki will play with Can guitarist Michael Karoli Live in Berlin (November 6 till 9). Guest star among
drummer Manni Neumeier from Guru Guru will be Gerd Dudeck on tenorsax. He was an old companion of Jaki
Liebezeit when he was playing Free Jazz in the early sixties. Excellent musician he is.
Irmin Schmidt is working on his upcoming opera "Ghormengast". I really wonder that he is going to write an
opera these days. But Irmin wants to know it. Respect! Can you imagine what that means working together with
a symphony orchestra consisting mainly of musical clerks? For me a nightmare and I think also for Irmin. But
as the old Romans said : aspera ad astra which means you have to go through hard times when you want to reach
out for the stars.
Jaki Liebezeit, the never getting tired Can drummer will also perform live with his "Drums of Chaos" band in
Berlin in November. They just have released a new CD which gets celebrated here in Germany at the moment
and when you see Jaki playing live the electric drum machines get frightened. How can he be so...unhuman???
The Can Live CD is still on schedule, dont worry - though I think someone else than Michael will take care for
its existence at the end. The last interviews for a new Can book are also just finished. This time with a lot of
pictures from the old and new days, one of Hildegards babies. That Can book. Also the legendary Free Concert
from 1972 will become available as a video cassette in the second half of this year.
And what will I be doing during those Can festival days? Planned is a live performance with
U-She and Arthur Schmidt, the www.gvoon.de creator. He became one of my most important influences of the
last year, looking after my website and creating his own artistic Life history for the Internet. If someone
knows something about the new medias, ask him. As a test we recorded a trip through a little part of his VRML
universe on a VHS cassette and where the music is getting self created and self mixed. This I played to the
music students in Vienna to find out how they think about it. The pictures will be projected on a 12 meter
screen together with U-Shes filmings worked in and she should also appear live singing, as she is a seldom
found artist with such a mysterious voice. Till now you could only hear a loop on her page keeping everything
in darkness about what she really is doing. She can reveal much more than keeping a blank page black with a
sounding loop inside!
Last not least we are all waiting for our new Czukay TV Station in the Internet. Sounds big, doesnt it? Since
1980 I was working on my own videos which I never showed to the public in terms of an available product.
The station will become a collaboration between gvoon.de, and czukay.de. One of my fantasy dreams having an
own and real private TV Channel was going out at 3 am in the city with a little camera on a trolly may be as a
fully dressed up surgeon looking out for places and patients making operations with knives and forks and
interviewing them. Not afterwards, no. Before the opreation is going to get started. So be prewarned about
whats going to happen in the worst cases.
Cheers and bye for now.
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