October 15, 1997
there will be a film festival here in Cologne on November 7 til 16 in
the British Council where "all" films(except Kama Sutra) will be shown
which we have made the music for. Seems to become a special event as all
Can members are supposed to show up, hopefully not in white dinner
The release date of the Walker vs. Czukay Live double Cd will be
January 1998 as momentarily scheduled. It will contain the legendary
live appearance in the Liquid Sky, Cologne as well concerts from the US.
Tour from January this year including San Francisco's Great American
Music Hall gig and Minneapolis' First Avenue. The second concert in the
Knitting Factory New York was also recorded on video and this should
become a part of our promotion campaign. The live set from Chicago
doesn't fit on the double Cd volume wise and will be released as a
special Cd. Just have a look into my news page from time to time.
Next year Can will become 30 years old, and drummer Jaki Liebezeit and myself are going to be 60. If this isn't a reason for some more live
First of all Can will attend to their exhibition in the Great Rock and
Roll Hall Of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. Also scheduled for 1998 is a tour
in Japan by myself with U-She. Apparently, November next year, there
will be a 3 day Can Festival in Berlin where all members will perform
live, doing whatever they like to do. And as I'm especially interested
in Internet activities there will be a special live event with me as a
sort of "No Dancer"(remember Japanese No?) in interaction with a sound
system and an infra-red camera with a public chat system over which the
audience on the screens have the chance to manipulate the music from
their chairs. Arthur, the creator of the Gvoon Project (have a look at
the link page), just bought a new Silicon Graphics machine with a video
grabber and this will help to get on with what we plan.
I keep thinking about further releases of my new of music. Should
I go on with record companies or shall I prefer limited edition releases
only available via the Internet? The first release should become an EP
on Cd with pieces like "The Invisible Man" including Jah Wobble on bass
and the mysterious voice of U-She, "Good Morning Story", a Rap on a
rhythm from Vitamin C or "D-Circles", another dance groove piece made in
a typical czukay excursion style and last but not least "First Prize of
Europe" with a re-edited part of a "Quantum Physics" rehearsal and
totally newly composed. I could imagine that you will love this music,
no quick shots at all. These four pieces took me about 18 months to
create and they belong to the beginning of my digital production era.
Why does it take such a long time then? May be I don't want to give up
doing something becoming a little bit immortal? One doesn't dare to
mention that these days, but when it comes up to create music I
certainly don't know any compromises. You can also imagine that this is
a new form of private life insurance. I could tell never ending stories
about this new way of recording. Generally speaking the digital age
threw me back immediately 30 years. No more multi-tracking, no mixing
anymore. Sounds unbelievable, I know. But wait till you'll attend to my
"No Dancing" performance November next year. There will be hopefully no
visible equipment on stage, a camera will capture the slightest movement
of myself and a sound machine will be evoked out of nothingness so to
speak. Wild movements in a disco manner just would create chaos unless
we return to some sort of minimized, ritual movements again. In other
words : The more that high tech will be involved, the more we get thrown
back into the past. This must be something Beethoven might have dreamt
of in his keenest moments. If we are going to admire the good old times,
there is a new chance becoming a part of them again though nothing
remains the same. Thank God. Difficult to understand? Not really.
bye for now, holger
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copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved