may 25, 1997 ...just a few notes i like to drop right now : it should be known through the medias that a whole row of different artists have been involved in the new remix album of can called sacrilege. actually there is no real sacrilege about can, so the remix album really makes sense pushing can into the sound world of the nineties. excellently done from can´s point of view.
and there´s another point : can will get exhibitioned from october on in the rock´n roll hall of fame in cleveland, ohio. yes, take a deep breath folks when you start thinking about can and rock´n roll. we only can hope we don´t need to stand there alive all day long for ten months unlike the wax figures at madame toussaud´s in london. what an honour.
not brand new this information : i made my first live tour ever through the united states in january this year after having abandoned can 20 years ago. with doc walker(and u-she for the first time on stage as support) this turned out to become a very exciting experience though our equipment, professionally transported in "flightcases in flightcases"got more than 50% damaged right from the very beginning. probably thrown out of the airoplane. but as doc walker and me were fully relying on our spontaneity (remember can concerts?) it didn´t become a desaster, more the opposite so to speak it the decent way. the doctor took care forthe groovy rhythms, sometimes looping them by playing on stage 1:1, no quantizing gimmicks and on top he sampled into his circuit what came out of my little 8-channel desk. of course we both have prepared our material secretly on each own. the other one shouldn´t know what to expect. so i felt myself surprisingly confronted by loops from the "fullcircle" lp(with jah wobble´s bass and jaki´s drums on) which suddenly developed into a live remix thing. there will be soon released a double cd called : czukay vs. walker : "clash" and it will contain the live concerts :- colgne´s liquid sky from june 27,1996,
- san francisco from january 16 and as it looks
- minneapolis event from january 7 .
i also worked out the chicago concert january 9, but i´m not so sure if this will see the cd- may be this could be something for a later what soever. to all our chicago fans: - i certainly will not throw itaway, i really like it ! for more information go to "interview". bye for now, holger menu copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved |