September, 2
Live appearence August 16 at Popkomm
it was the first time in my life that I went live on stage more or less
alone - August 16 during the Popkomm in Cologne. For some days I was
listening to records which I was collecting for some time and which
mainly Doc Walker gave me worth listening. And we have here in Cologne
another superb dj, named Dr. Bleed. Whenever I heard him in the delirium
record shop or on an underground party I couldnt stop getting
fascinated by what Id heard. And then there was this Can remix album
Sacrelege. And when I listened to it I thought why not make a remix of
some remixes and take this as a part of the live presentation. Soon it
became clear to me that I couldnt get that managed on stage only using
two record players. Somehow the music had to become entirely pre
produced so that there was enough space left for interactions with my
musical equipment(ASR10 sampler, IBM 212 dictaphone, short wave
receiver, cassettes) and also for "show elements". These I was actually
practicing right after leaving Can in May 1977 in front of a video
camera being mounted on a tripod. As an unannounced surprise U-She
finished the live set with her not yet released "Rain".
Who is U-She? I wouldnt have invested about 5 years concentrated work
in her, if I wouldnt believe about her ...unique talents as... Soon more
about her. The whole event was filmed with super8 and Betacam and Im
glad about what came out. Have to think if this could be something for
an internet broadcast.
new banks
Which leads me to the next point in obtaining soon a transmission
licence for the internet. There are quite some videos which I have made
during the last 15 years and I hope that 2 new hot spots on my front
"sample bank" and "video bank" can be clicked. Have to sort that out
with my sparring partner Arthur from gvoon. Arthur actually is worth to drop some words. Is it enough when I say
hes just the opposite what I am? He is doing most of the work for my
server, because he wants that such a "gentleman" like me, without lots
of money should not only have a home page , no, a whole server is even
better and helps switching a bypass to record companies - among other
new characteristics only possible via internet. This is an idea I dont
only like I even adore it! Be prepared to expect more changes in the
future. Arthur and me want to do a special live event October next year
in Berlin during a 3 days long festival concerning Can becoming 30 years
old. The rough idea is an interaction between his artwork and myself as
a musician without instruments through an infra red camera and a
feedback through the internet by users participating. Even the chat
system will play a main role in it Thanks God there is some time left
for working that thing out and get some practice.
All other Can members will of course also participate with own
contributions to the Berlin festival.
Yes, thinking of bypasses to record companies... my manager Hildegard is
releasing my albums "Movies" and "On the Way to the Peak of Normal"`on
her SPOON label in October this year. Please have a look on my
ordercatalogue from time to time. It will be or is now activated and it
will offer you some of my latest productions which will be only
available through the internet. Not to mention that I regard these as my
strongest ever and thats how I feel these days.
Also the Czukay vs. Walker USA Live cd from our tour through the States
in January this year is going to get released January or February next
year. In America it will be done by Mute Records, In Japan it is
supposed to go with EMI and in Europe you should get contacted to
Nastrovje Potsdam and their Crippled Dick Hot Wax Records label.
Crippled Dick Hot... you will easily understand
properties when you'll see the pictures in the booklet;
it looks that music becomes more and more merciless these days.
since the chat box was installed on my site we got sometimes traffic on
I thought of having a meeting point there in the future. So Id like to
suggest a suitable date, Mondays morning 3 a.m. Central European Time,
for the US it would be Sundays 9 p.m. Eastern Time and 6 p.m. Western.
In Tokyo it would be Mondays morning 11 a.m. and Australia 1 p.m. Hope
I got that right - in mathematics at school I was always the worst.
bye for now, holger
for older news versions click here to the numbers: 1,
2, 3.
copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved