news, december 4, 1997
the cologne film festival with several pictures including can soundtracks is over now. strange, some of the movies i
saw for the first time, others i even didn't want to see. and what do have all film directors in common ? they didn't show
any visionary sense what sort of power film music can have in a motion picture. from wim wenders to samuel fuller -
no word against their pictures - but understanding of music?? certainly not the way how i understand it.
there was one director who got a fantastic song for his film: "soul desert". irmin, our film specialist, was afraid during
the production that the music could kill the movie. and i said: "come on irmin, lets kill the movie." today, director roger
fritz admits that he didn't like the music at all at that time(1969) and now he thinks is the best of the whole picture. he
is certainly right, but may i ask, when we can expect that film directors are going to learn ? 30 years ago they made the
same mistakes as they are doing now. they even don't know how lucky they were when they bought the title songs
without knowing that they got recorded before the existence of their movie. so we were able to sell the same music twice
and that was good for us. may god forgive their impertinent ignorance, but not me.
there will be a change in the release of the live cd "clash" (czukay vs. walker). mute will not release this exciting and
trippy music. their lawyers... instead tone casualties will take over for america and probably japan and we are really
happy about it. release date : february '98. and now it's about time to get my order catalogue activated. the live cd is not
the only music i've worked out over the las t years. and there is enough music waiting getting on limited edition cds only
available via ordercataloge one day i must do the step forward getting completely independent from any independent
anything, unless there will be an unexpected change with record companies... .hey, no more dreaming, holger!
watch out for a tv feature with the most far out music of the nineties. it is called "modulations" and as they say "cinema
for the ears". editing is going to be finished by caipirinha productions, new york and will be shown on the so called
sundance festival. where? i don't know. another show -despite several tv-appearances in the world- will be in
february '98 in berlin. why do i mention this? because you can see me playing live on the kickzone festival august this
year in the cologne swimming stadium where i performed some own remixes of the can remix album sacrelege and also
other not yet released musical material.
next year will be the year when i'll perform some live events in connection with the gvoon project. internet pictures in
interactions with music created exclusively through the internet. arthur is working and working ... please don't disturb.
meanwhile you can take a look on his creation platform server: g v o o n
you'll find so many pages and platforms, about 2000 or so. if i wouldn't have arthur around my site would look obviously
sorry, must go back to work. it is 6 o'clock in the morning and music is calling me... see you later may be on the chat box.
i love being there. even faking madonna, eltonjohn, raycharlestone, sophialoren and the royals don't hesitate inviting
me for dinner in order to complain - hmmmm,wonderful.
oh, before i forget : on january 25/26 i will give some lectures at the vienna music academy. subject : "the
joseph-van-stalin-organ and its remote healing effects upon companies' secretaries.
bye for now, holger
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copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved