september 3 - 1998
bad news for all of you who wanted to attend to the can festival november 27
/ 28. these dates are cancelled, the volksbuehne theater in berlin doesnÕt
seem to be able to manage expences against income in a given time. so this
will be delayed. however the gvoon live event remains in preparations and
will be established on its own. we are looking for the right date and place
to get that done.
on thursday august 27 brian eno and me played live together with the german
group slop shop for the first time - he after 20 years absence playing live
on stage with a band as i was told. it will be broadcasted again in the
internet about middle of september. please look at: Exhibitions - Brian Eno
- Images from the Event (www.kah-bonn.de) for further details and pictures.
and as the usual procedure continues a cd will reflect this event.
brian eno and holger live at kunst- und ausstellungshalle der bundesrepublik deutschland august 27
can is expecting the release of the new can book about october with lots of
pictures, interviews and comments concerning our 30th anniversary. i myself
have never worked so long on the edit of my interview as i did it for this
book and our manager hildegard got slightly crazy when she saw the english
and french translations. the corrections are finished now and possible
holidays are vanished into nothingness.
the winners of the competition form the last 3 months are :
jon (skyharmony@aol.com)
johannes wilms
marek czubak
so these three winners will receive the unique ãcool in the dool" 17-inch
vinyl. and thank you for you suggestions of the video titles. some of them
even make sense.
Cheers and bye for now.
for older news versions click here to the numbers: 1,
2, 3,
4, 5,
6, 7,
8, 9,
10, 11.
copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved