June 8, 1998
arthur "gvoon" schmidt, my main partner for the upcoming live event in Berlin just told me that
we are going to open up also an audio channel where we want to introduce music to our fans which is
brand new and not yet released as a product. There you are, folks, this in not just another donation,
this also a test. And with the audio channel our possibilities for being connected live! to each other
is going to become true. we also consider to obtain a satellite bowl and thus low down our network
costs. of course that makes a lot of work to be done but it is good for me to get used to this idea. Just
think how this site was looking only one year ago, remember?
the dates for the can festival in berlin are going to be changed a bit. it was supposed to happen
november 6 till 8 and will be delayed to the beginning of december. the exact dates are not yet
confirmed as berlin was completely running out of money and we have found an independent
promoter who is going to organize the event and who is also looking for sponsors. we intend to
broadcast the festival live through the internet and keep public medias on the short line.
you can win an exceptional original "forgery" single from Barclay records in Paris, if you pressĘ 9.
Cheers and bye for now.
for older news versions click here to the numbers: 1,
2, 3,
4, 5,
6, 7,
8, 9.
copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved