november 1-1998
even if you can't understand german you should risk a glimpse on the gvoon
news page: www.gvoon.de/artworlds
you'll find here a picture of yo equal, the new created virtual character by
arthur and myself in conjunction with vierte_art.com and also you get lead
to several new "gvoon worlds". if you can dig the new medias why don't you
have a try on this here straight away: www.gvoon.de/artworlds/builder
you need to have cosmoplayer 2.0 installed though to watch what's going on
there: www.cosmosoftware.com
you'll find here a "word builder" which allows you to create your own virtual scenes in the vrml format. so go ahead and wonder what happens concerning sound and picture.
and what's new at the can front? irmin will perform his new opera
"gormenghast" november 15 for the first time in wuppertal. pavarotti is not
supposed to come there so he leaves space i presume.
the first date of the can festival will be held now in berlin march 19/20
next year, followed by performances in the musikhalle hamburg and hopefully
in the palladium cologne, all between march 21 and 26.
besides our preparations i am learning digital video editing on my small
computer in order to present to you even more weirdness in picture and sound
for the future as you can see on the invisible picture.
Cheers and bye for now.
for older news versions click here to the numbers: 1,
2, 3,
4, 5,
6, 7,
8, 9,
10, 11,
12, 13.
copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved