january 8 - 1999
there will be a new solo cd coming out - after nearly 6 years since the first release of "moving pictures". this time the music is again very different and going more into song- or instrumental directions. by all means being fascinated by the electronic music as such i certainly do more favor some secret mixes of all these elements including special sampling treatments. this cd took me a long long time to do. the final piece of the album is a 22 minutes long elogy(?) entitled "mirage".
when i was working with a sampler(ensoniq ASR10) for the very first time every test with the device was recorded straight away(who knows what could come out...)it gave me the feeling not being stressed up by expecting too much creation wise. just a bit playing around, that was it. and then i got surprised how much music magic power got suddenly released standing around here at night time unlike visiting a music store and trying out a new instrument.
watch out for what i would call becoming a remix on its own. The title of the cd describes what i wish people when i go to bed: starting up the day with "A Good Morning Story".
one morning i could not fall asleep after staying up all night and so i looked into my writing system in the internet. new folders had been installed there and checking out "tricks how to avoid... <- i found the following story by one of our chat mates named drew. here you go with him...
i was zooming down the freeway oblivious to my surroundings when i caught a glimse of a flashing light in my rear-view mirror. Damn! Glancing down to check my speed.... goodness! no wonder...
slowing down now.... pulling the car to the shoulder of the road. turning the volume down on the blaring stereo, i pull out my license and prepare of the usual questions.
the policeman slowly gets out of his car..... clipboard in hand.
"driver's license and proof of insurance", he says. pausing to take my information he continues, "sir... the reason i stopped you was because i clocked you at 102 miles per hour. was there any particular reason you were traveling at such a high rate of speed?"
"well...", i began, "you see i was listening to the cd by mr. czukay and dr. walker..." the policeman cuts me off, "clash, right!!" "why, yes...", i replied. handing my information back to me he says, "why didn't you say that before! everybody knows you can't drive slow with that on. There's just one thing though...."
"what's that?", i said.
"can i borrow disk 2?", says the policeman.
Cheers and bye for now.
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copyright by holger czukay, produced by gvoon, all rights reserved