project audio 2 - completedoctober 16 - 2000
this project is going to be closed down now not without having succeeded in a wonderful result "echogirl". will be released on dignose 2001
october 6 - 2000
you can listen to the first common audio2 master divided in three portions to keep the parts small: check trailer files. and as I am convinced of the common musical output there will be a way getting the results released in the near future. (some people are already working on a music on demand server for my new label dignose.
n.b.: it is interesting to see how efficient such an "internet band" is actually collaborating. it was always my wish seeing myself playing in a band. however lots of privatism are usually disturbing the romance in harmony such like uncleaned toilets, dirty cups, bitchy women or coming to late to the rehearsels etc. the communication in such a project is reduced to elementary necessity and wasting time gets minimized. a quite positive aspect. of course it will be only a matter of time if such a project can be realized also live. see news.september 28 - 2000
meanwhile the first mixing attempts are on the way. most of the participators seems to enjoy how the projects is developing. lee wall, sean eden and voigt are teamworking as "weeds of eden". testmix1 is a small excerpt starting with weeds of eden and s. venna followed up by drew and alan evil. echogirl is also an excerpt from a mix of mine together with haki, u-she, weeds of eden, boom, drew, alan evil, luca and s venna. seems to become a another piece of audio excitement when it continues like that...
august 31 - 2000
audio2 is on its way. have downloaded some files from several participants.yet still in the beginning. the momentary team consists of:
haki, boom, weeds of eden, luca, s venna, homo-hys, alan evil, and doug michael.
note: for the not yet started audio3 project more people have already shown interest to register than the project allows to which nevertheless shouldn't keep you off from contributing your own ideas. as it seems it will become a sound environment for public places. more to come...
august1 - 2000
audio2 project is based on a series of sampled loops when dr. walker and myself played together live in seattle january 1997. after having listened to the concert i found out that it offered quite some ideas worth getting worked out more properly. for organisational problems i thought of limiting the numbers of participants up to 7. this time 12 people were registering and in order not exclude someone from the very beginning we should give this a try. including myself we would be 13 which i regard being a number of power and luck. will keep you informed if this turns out to become true.
july 5 - 2000
it's time to get project audio2 project started. this time the sample elements have a different character than the ones of "africana". please
to some sample excerpts in real format and make up your mind if you want to join. all you need for a professional collaboration is an audio platform which should be your studio environment. participants will get an url from where they can download the start samples in mp3 format. you will convert them back into wav files and work out your personal startfiles. these will be uploaded again as mp3 files into the same directory from where you downloaded the start samples. all other participants will have now the possibility to continue working using all uploaded files and create new and extended ones.
please refer your interest to: