november 17, 2001
michael died unexpectedly today in
his home while playing on his favorite instrument the guitar. in
the last weeks we often had telephoned together in which he
expressed how lucky he felt that our ways were crossing when
he still was at school. in may 1966 i became a music teacher
in the same school. and as i didn't have any professional
training in this profession i gave a test lesson to that class
where he was sitting as a pupil. the director told me to leave
the room for a moment while he was speaking to the pupils
what they were thinking of me becoming their teacher. michael
told me later that he especially favored this idea which practically
meant that i was earning a salary each month, my first
- and last too. at that time he took some guitar lessons from
me but frankly speaking i could at least learn as much
from him as he could learn from me. after leaving the school
we kept staying in contact roughly thinking what our future
could become while working together on a piece by bix beiderbecker
"in a mist" - a premonition to can's "mushroom".
micki later commented this recording that it reminded him of
the atmosphere in chicago during winter time and of "in
a mist".

michael karoli
last time we worked intensively
together was on can's "rite time" album from 1987
till 89 which we both produced. about a month ago we phoned
each other to arrange a video interview date where we wanted
to go through our common history. he suggested to wait
a bit longer as it would appear to him speaking out his final
testament. thinking of his young children he tried to avoid
this thought as they strongly needed the father.
afternoon i tried to confirm a date, a few hours too late. michael
was the most intelligent guy of us all to say the least.
and if you can get hold of the "rite time" cd play
"in the distance lies the future". it probably reflects
the old can myth best in this time.
copyright by holger czukay, all rights reserved